Collect online donations

Accept online payments and make your donations go further.

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How it works

  • Collect online donations for your charity. Your donors can use a donate button, QR code, or payment link.
  • Offer local online payment options directly from your customer's bank account to yours.
  • Donors approve payment in their secure bank environment without filling in card or payment details.
  • The funds are immediately settled in your bank account. Sentoo offers special nonprofit pricing.

Try it Yourself

Make giving easy. Raise more funds with easy local online payments.

Make a one-time donation to Fundashon Duna E Mucha Un Man, a charity supporting free school meals in Curaçao. 100% percent of your donation will go to the charity.

Please select a donation amount.

Pricing Donations

We want to help your charity raise more funds. That’s why we offer special nonprofit pricing. No costly charges or hidden fees.

Transparent pricing

Start boosting your donations today!
